Scary story

It was midnight. There was young girl coming home. Outside was winter, there was very cold. She was looking for keys in her bag. When she found them, she looked behind herself. She could see ten pairs of orange eyes. She was frightened, but she thought that was only an illusion. She unlocked doors, turned on a light and she looked behind herself again. She saw ten bloodthirsty wolves. She ran upstairs to her grandma.

“Grandma! Grandma!” she was shouting and running into grandma’s living room. There was her grandma sitting in armchair.

“Dear…” Her grandma couldn’t say whole sentence, because two wolfs with orange eyes jumped on her grandma and bit grandma into her neck. The girl screamed. She ran from the living room and on the second floor.

“Edgar! Edgar!” she was shouting on her dog, but he wasn’t here. After she could hear her dog’s crying.

“I’m here!” someone said. There was one wolf standing on two legs behind the girl. She looked behind herself and saw the wolf. “Sorry, he is here,” wolf said and showed on his belly.

She ran from the room and climbed the ladder on the roof by window. She grabbed the chimney.

She opened her eyes and she thought that was only a dream. She yawned and she was falling from roof down. She fell on sharp fence, which cut her on two pieces of body.

There were wolfs standing around two pieces of girl’s body. They ate her body on the garden.

And yet it wasn’t a dream…


Tento kratučký príbeh som písala ako projekt na angličtinu. S nápadom prišla moja mama, ja som to len napísala. Keď mi to kamarátka pochválila, rozhodla som sa to pridať aj tu. Dúfam, že text nebol obtiažny. 🙂

This short story I wrote as a project to English. My mum devised the story, I just wrote. When my friend complimented me a story, I decided to add it here. 🙂

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